Welcome to AWARE!® Consumer Advocacy Magazine website for consumers just like you, who want to be certain of getting the best quality and value for your hard-earned dollar.

As a consumer driven society we owe it to ourselves to be well informed about the products and  services we purchase, from food, clothing and cleaning products, to services like repairs of all kinds, from appliances and automobiles to the homes in which we live.

Because of our vast purchasing power, consumers, like us, can literally drive the market by demanding better quality goods and services, but in order to do that, we must educate ourselves about these services and products.

AWARE!® will help keep you up to date on the latest trends in our changing economic environment. Don’t be caught unaware as some laws are amended or replaced altogether in the coming months and years.

We welcome your questions and comments. We are interested in your experiences with businesses, both national and local. Visit our website often to let us know what you would like to be more informed about and we will do our best to investigate and report in an easily understood format.